Yolo County Child Care Planning Council Logo


The Yolo County Council has a shared governance structure with oversight by the County Board of Supervisors and the County Superintendent of Schools. The Council identifies local child care and development priorities, develops policies to meet identified needs, and recommends local priorities for the allocation of child care funds administered by California Department of Education.

The Yolo County Office of Education serves as the fiscal agent for the Yolo County Council, which consists of 20 members appointed by the Yolo County Board of Supervisors and the Superintendent of Schools. The following representatives are mandated members of the Council (State of California Education Code, Chapter 2.3):

  • Child care consumers (4 members)
  • Child care providers (4 members)
  • Community representatives (4 members)
  • Public agency representatives (4 members)
  • Discretionary members (Board of Supervisors, YCOE)

Membership terms: 4 years (commencing February 1st annually)

Council meetings: 2nd Tuesday of every other month / 11:30 am – 1:00 pm.

Meetings Schedule: Download the meeting schedule

Location: Yolo County Office of Education, 1280 Santa Anita Court, Suite 120, Woodland, CA.

To become a member appointed by the Yolo County Board of Supervisors: Individuals interested in serving on this advisory body may apply to the Yolo County Board of Supervisors’ Office, 625 Court Street, Room 204, Woodland, CA 95695.

For more information: and an application: Please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 666- 8195.

Current LPC Board of Supervisors Appointee’s and terms:

Member District Category Expiration of Term
Sara Gunasekara 1 Consumer 1/31/2026
Tiffany Davidson 1 Provider 1/31/2028
Kelly Twibell 2 Public Agency 1/31/2028
Clara Morain-Nabity 2 Community 1/31/2028
Brenda Di Gregorio 3 Public Agency 1/31/2027
VACANT 3 Consumer
Gina Daleiden 4 Public Agency 1/31/2028
VACANT 4 Discretionary
VACANT 5 Provider
Kari Rohwer-Roberts 5 Discretionary 1/31/2026

To become a member appointed by the Yolo County Office of Education: Individuals interested in serving on this advisory body may apply to the Yolo County Office of Education 1280 Santa Anita Court, Woodland, CA  95776 or by emailing Shannon McClarin, LPC Coordinator at Shannon.mcclarin@ycoe.org.

Current LPC Yolo County Office of Education Appointee’s and terms:

Member Category Expiration of Term
Sue Lomax Discretionary 1/31/2026
Cindy Flores Community 1/31/2023
Justine Jimenez Public Agency 1/31/2026
Joyce Lee Community 1/31/2027
Rahele Atabaki Public Agency 1/31/2026
Elizabeth Gray Discretionary 1/31/2028
Tanya Kiz Consumer 1/31/2026
Alysia Damian Consumer 1/31/2028
Maria Lewis Provider 1/31/2026
Dianna Esparza Provider 1/31/2027
Shannon McClarin Coordinator
Maria Arvizu-Espinoza YCOE Liaison


Since 1998, we have provided critical support for both planning and implementation efforts to expand the availability of high quality child care for families in Yolo County.


LPC advocates for fair and equitable child care to ensure a bright future for Yolo County children, families, and care providers.

The LPC strives to create positive change by empowering its members to have an open, creative, and receptive mindset.

The LPC values human relationships that promote positive connection, care, and support.

We speak our truth in honor of ethical decision making.

We welcome, value, and respect everyone regardless of differences.


We serve as a forum to plan, promote and support the child care needs of families and
providers in Yolo County.


The Yolo LPC envisions a future where all families and children have access to child care they love.