Yolo County Child Care Planning Council Logo

News and Updates

Important Provider Information Notices, (PINS) and other updates

The Department of Social Services, (CDSS), Child Care Licensing Program (CCP), would like to remind everyone of the following important Provider Information Notices, (PINS) and other updates:

  • PIN 21-31-CCP – January 2022 Child Care Licensing Webinars – The Child Care Licensing Program (CCP) will be hosting a Zoom webinar for Child Care providers for the purpose of sharing timely and valuable information impacting child care providers and licensees. A representative from the Care Provider Management Bureau/Guardian will be joining the January webinars to provide information on the background check process. The CCP will offer English and simultaneous translation in Cantonese, Mandarin, and Spanish for all webinars.
  • PIN 21-30-CCP – COVID-19 Testing Supplies for the Child Care Community – The Child Care Licensing Program (CCP) will be hosting Zoom webinars for child care providers, licensees, and Resource and Referral Agencies. The purpose of these webinars is to provide information about at-home COVID-19 testing supplies, along with question and answer time.

The Child Care Licensing Program, (CCP), Newsletter / Update – CCP would like to share our latest Newsletter / Update that can be found here. The link to sign up to receive all PINS and quarterly Newsletter / Updates can be found here.

Covid-19 Information

During the COVID-19 pandemic the Yolo County Local Childcare Planning Council (LPC) joined forces with the Yolo County Office of Education, First 5 Yolo and the Children’s Home Society. Through this collaboration they were able to contact and deliver masks, hand sanitizer, hand soap, gloves, diapers, cleaning supplies and educational materials to over 150 childcare providers in Yolo County. Ongoing contact with these providers through weekly calls and health and safety information offered much needed support during the COVID-19 pandemic. The LPC acknowledges the continued hard work, dedication, and commitment of these providers to the children and families of Yolo County.