Yolo County Child Care Planning Council Logo

Childcare Options

Private Center-Based and Family Child Care

Center-Based and Family Child Care

Center-based childcare programs are licensed through the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division to provide infant care, preschool age care, and/or school age care. These centers are licensed to care for a certain number of children based on the facility size and the ages of children in the center.  Family childcare homes are also licensed through the State of California and are in the home of the childcare provider.  Small family childcare homes provide care for up to 8 children, while large family childcare homes provide care for up to 14 children. Childcare centers and family childcare homes can be license exempt but must follow specific regulations.

Publicly Funded Child Care

Head Start, Early Head Start and State Preschool

Eligible families may qualify for part day or full day preschool services through a Head Start or State Preschool program.  These programs are supported with federal or state funds and are administered through local educational agencies, community-based organizations, and colleges.

Subsidized and Non-Subsidized Childcare

Financial assistance is available for families who may need financial assistance to enroll children in childcare centers and family childcare homes. A family’s eligibility for subsidized childcare is based on a variety of factors determined by state and federal regulations and local priorities.

After School Care

ASES (After School Education and Safety Program)

ASES programs are located throughout Yolo County and are operated for school aged children on elementary school campuses or other locations in the community.  The purpose of these programs is to provide academic and literacy support and safe, constructive alternatives for youth during non-school hours at no cost to parents.

YMCA and Champions also offer fee based afterschool care programs throughout the county on some school sites. Please contact them at https://www.ymcasuperiorcal.org/YoloCountyYMCA and https://www.discoverchampions.com/ to find out more about their locations and services.

Early Learning and Education Programs include the following:

  • Child Care Resource & Referral Program
    The Child Care Resource and Referral (R&R) Program provides supportive child development services. Through this program, CHS provides parents with referrals to licensed childcare, educates parents regarding choosing quality childcare, and provides parent and provider education through newsletters, workshops, a resource library, and ongoing resource distribution.
  • Child Care Payment Program
    The Child Care Payment Program (CCPP) provides subsidized childcare services to eligible families through general Alternative Payment and CalWORKs funding. Through these programs, participating families select the licensed or license-exempt childcare provider of their choice, as parents work, seek employment, or attend school or job training programs.
  • Children & Youth Service Directory, Yolo County Health and Human Services
    The Children & Youth Service Directory is a list of services provided by the Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency for children (ages 0-16) and youth (ages 16-21).


Our priority is to ensure that early learning providers and parents have the resources they need to provide children with quality learning opportunities and support.


LPC advocates for fair and equitable child care to ensure a bright future for Yolo County children, families, and care providers.

The LPC strives to create positive change by empowering its members to have an open, creative, and receptive mindset.

The LPC values human relationships that promote positive connection, care, and support.

We speak our truth in honor of ethical decision making.

We welcome, value, and respect everyone regardless of differences.


We serve as a forum to plan, promote and support the child care needs of families and
providers in Yolo County.


The Yolo LPC envisions a future where all families and children have access to child care they love.